Monday, September 13, 2010

An experience turns into inspiration then into action...

After dining in Mrs Wilke's Dining Room in Savannah, GA, I had experienced a meal that was so much like what my Grandma Dilger had cooked at every birthday and holiday for my family. A huge sit down dinner complete with many dishes of southern comfort food. As we got in the car and left, I had tears coming down my cheeks thinking about my Grandma and how much I missed her and her cooking.

The experience was so memorable that Tom purchased the cookbook for me "Mrs. Wilkes' Famous Recipes Celebrating a Lifetime of Good Food." His hope was that I would prepare more of that kind of food versus my usual genre of Pampered Chef. Well it also sealed the deal when I opened the book and the first one I found was the Peanut Butter Pie. (His favorite)

Since that day, I have been looking at the cookbook and thought it would be an interesting project to cook my way through the book and blog about it. This is not the first time someone has cooked and wrote about it. Of course there was inspiration from the Julie/Julia Project. But like all things in life, if you don't set goals or make a plan, it will likely not get done.

So lets go over the goal and the timelines. My goal is simple. To cook my way through the book (326 recipes total) in a timeline of 1 year. That equals to about a recipe a day. But my plan is to create meals from the cookbook or cook sides or desserts from the cookbook with other meals. After I cook and serve my food, I'll blog about the experience and also the reviews from Tom, Jacob and any other guests who may of sampled the food.

I am excited to see if I can pull off this project and by blogging keep the motivation and dedication to see it through.

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