Thursday, September 30, 2010

Marvelous Monday!

I'll start off with my confession that I am now not behind on cooking, but I am behind on blogging about it.   I now have three days to account for.  So I am working on that today to get myself caught up.  If you read the last post where I talked about my cooking for Sunday, I called it Disappointing Sunday.  Well you can see by this title I had a much better day with Mrs Wilkes'.

Even though I had Pork Roast on Sunday, for Monday I decided to make Barbecue Pork.  One thing was for sure.  I wasn't going to make it in the oven.  I decided this next roast would be cooked in the Crock Pot.  So I did the same preparation with the roast, covering it up in salt, pepper and paparika.  Then I placed it in the Crock Pot with water around 6:30 a.m.  When I got home, the kitchen smelled of roast. 

As I opened the lid, I could tell the roast was a nice color and also when I tested it with a fork, the roast fell apart, it was so tender!  I was looking at Pot Roast Heaven!  I called Tom into the kitchen to look at my roast.  Then I asked him if he would help me shread it so I could then pour the barbecue sauce over it.

He help me pull it and put it in my 9 X 13 Baker.  Next I had to cover it in Barbecue Sauce that I had made a couple of weeks ago from the cookbook.  Remember how I said it was so yummy and also so easy to make?  Well I coated the pork and I had left overs of the sauce and asked Tom if it looked ok.  He said to add the rest of the sauce too.  So I did.  Then it went into the oven at 350 degrees for 30 minutes.

Next, I was going to work on the Sweet Potato Pie.  Tom was still in the kitchen with me and agreed to peel and cut up the sweet potatoes to be cooked so I could mash them.  This is the first time I have ever purchased sweet potatoes at the store, much less cook with them.  While they were cooking on the stove, I put together the rest of the ingredients for the pie.  I decided that instead of making the piecrust, I used a frozen piecrust.  I had no guilt with this since the recipe called for her piecrust or other unbaked crust!

It had me combine the dry ingredients separately from the wet and by the time my sweet potatoes were mashed and added, I had to put it back on the stove and cook it to almost boiling.  Then I poured it into the crust.  I was concerned again because the texture seemed runny and I ended up with more filling than the pie could hold.  Tom and I tasted it and it tasted great, but again I thought I would be scooping it out instead of cutting pieces.

I also heated up the rest of the Corn Bread Stuffing  and made Butter Toasted Buns to serve with the meal.  Here's the photos of the food and the menu:

Barbecue Pork
Butter Toasted Buns
Corn Bread Dressing
Sweet Potato Pie

Everything looked and smelled wonderful.  I was excited to taste the pork and also get Tom and Jacob's opinon.  They both took buns and made sandwiches, put stuffing on their plate and got busy!  We all LOVED the barbecue pork.  It was heaven.  Taste, texture on those butter toasted buns was so YUMMY!
My mouth is watering just thinking about that dish now.  I said that I wanted to share that pork with Tom's Mom and Step-Dad and also Aunt Doris to get their opinion.  He said I could share it but to make sure I save him enough left overs to have it the next day.

While we were finishing up with dinner, the Sweet Potato Pie was done and we let it cool while we started packing up left overs.  We called everyone to make sure we could run it over.  Everyone was excited to try it.  Before we left, we also cut the Sweet Potato Pie to sample it.  That pie ROCKED!  It was cooked perfectly, texture was nice and it tasted like pumpkin pie versus sweet potato.  It was still nice and warm and we put whipped cream on top.  So we also divided up the pie and included it in our left overs to share.

Our first stop was my Aunt Doris's home.  She told me that she was sick with tonsilitis and I didn't stay long but I left the food for her and said hello to Pam and her.  Hopefully she will feel better soon and will be able to sample the food.

Next we went over to John and Diane's.  We put together enough left overs to share with everyone including Amanda. (Tom's daughter).  I was so excited to have them taste the barbecue and the pie.  First they tried the Barbecue Pork and they all loved it.  Especially on the butter toasted buns.  Then they sampled my Corn Bread Stuffing.  Diane asked me if there was chopped up egg in them and I said yes.  They all liked the stuffing but agreed it could of had more seasoning, but the texture was really good.

Finally was the Sweet Potato Pie.  They went nuts over the pie.  I was like a proud Momma watching them taste everything and seeing their expressions and hearing them go on and on about how delicious it was.  We stayed about and hour and visited then we went back home.

Tuesday, I have a full day of training at the office, and know I have more to make so I try to get a good nights sleep.

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