Saturday, September 18, 2010

Trying to get in touch with Mrs. Wilkes Family

Yesterday I didn't prepare any recipes but got to enjoy an evening with Tom's family as his brother Greg and wife Cheryl were visiting from NY.  I was able to take over the left overs of the Chocolate Pecan Pie and it was sampled by the family and thought it was good but really rich.  I did warn them of that fact....

I also decided this morning to send an email out to the Wilke's family to see if they would be willing to help me out with the recipes and instructions.  I went to the website and just
assumed there was a way to email them.  There was not.  So I spent about 20 minutes searching for an email address to the great-grandson Ryon to email him.  I tried to send him an email and below is what was sent.  I am not sure he got it as I may of had to pay a membership fee (which I didn't) to get this delivered to him.  I also called the restaurant and got the memory full message.  So we'll see if I get a reply and I'll try calling them during the week when they are open.  I'll let you all know how it goes.  Now back to the kitchen I go to work on my three recipes for today!

My name is Marlene Speelman and I am trying to contact you regarding the lastest cookbook that I purchased while visiting the dining room this month. 

From my dining experience and looking through the cookbook, I decided to cook through the entire book (326 recipes) and blog about my adventure on
In the process I am discovering errors and have questions regarding the recipes.  I wanted to ask if the recipes were proof-read or tested prior to the cookbook release?  So far I have made nine recipes and have had issues with ingredients and assembly on almost all of them.

I hope that you will consider helping me in my project and advising me of any potential errors or provide guidance to recreate your Great Grandma's wonderful food and let me share her wonderful food up here in Ohio.
You can contact me directly at or call me at XXX-XXX-XXXX.  I thank you in advance for your help!
Marlene Speelman

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