Thursday, September 30, 2010

Long day at the office so I took it easy in the kitchen....

I had training all day with new reps and by the time I got home after 6 p.m., I was really tired and brain fried.  I knew I was supposed to cook again, but my motivation was gone.  I asked Tom if he wanted to go out and eat.  He said no and then offered to make a frozen pizza.  That didn't sound good at all.  By the time it was done, I could of made something.  So I went into the kitchen and decided to work on one dish and add to my got r-done list. 

The dish on my menu was Kraut and Frankfurters.  When I was working on my grocery list, the recipe called for 1 lb. of frankfurters.  I decided to use Hebrew National Frankfurters for the recipe.  I have never had them, but had heard they were pretty tasty.  I cut them up and browned them in butter.  The recipe also called for noodles to be cooked and stirred into the dish, I had them also cooking on the stove.  Then I had to stir in the sauerkraut, onion and noodles and heat thoroughly.

Here's the photo of the dish:

Have you ever had kraut and noodles mixed together?  Tom and I had never had it before and was curious about how it tasted.  I also served it with a salad on the side. 

Cooking the frankfurters in butter was a hit in the flavor and texture of the meat.  Also it was really good having the noodles mixed with the kraut.  Tom also liked the dish.  I can't say that we loved it, but in the end I was happy that I was able to complete another recipe and also it being an easy one to work.  We ended up having left overs as well and I am sure we will finish this or take it over to my Aunt Doris's or Tom's family to share.


  1. This is sort of similar to my Cabbage and noodles recipe. The only thing is I use smoked sausage, a small head of cabbage and ribbon noodles. But it is all cooked in butter with onion and it is one of my favorite dished. Best of luck on your year long journey of southern cooking! You still need to go to Charleston to the Hominy Grill and try their Chicken and Sausage gravy biscuit!

  2. Thanks for sharing Carol. My Dad also sampled this dish and said that by adding the noodles it takes some of the sour out of the kraut. I like how it made the noodles really slick too. Thanks for the wishes of luck, I'm going to need it. Could you also wish that I don't have my hips get any bigger than they are by doing this project?

    PS: I have a feeling, I'll find my way back to SC and GA and will have to try the Hominy Grill!
